The future of AI for reducing customer attrition

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Developments in AI are moving fast and the future looks promising for customer dropout prevention. But which AI applications can we turn to in the coming months and/or years? Specifically, two new innovations are riding high.

Natural Language Processing (NLP), Chat GPT and other LLMs

The first major development in the field of AI is the emergence of Natural Language Processing (NLP). This development enables AI to understand and process human language, allowing companies to better communicate with their customers. Using chatbots and virtual assistants, they can communicate with customers in a personal and efficient way and help them solve problems. The logical consequence? Improved customer satisfaction and a reduction in customer attrition.

Augmented reality

AI offers increasing opportunities for the use of augmented reality. Augmented reality is a technology that allows reality to be enriched with digital information. This technology can be applied in various ways to improve the customer experience. For example, products can be virtually presented in the real world, giving customers a better idea of how the product looks and works. In addition, augmented reality can also be used to solve problems, such as providing step-by-step instructions on how to use a product or visualising solutions to technical problems. Thus, by using augmented reality, companies can offer a personalised and interactive experience.

In short, the future of AI in terms of customer attrition looks bright. This is just the beginning, as AI continues to evolve and optimise. Today, AI already allows you to proactively respond to customer needs, but customer insights and capabilities are getting better and more detailed. So AI is not only a smart investment in the short term, but also in the long term.

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