Trendskout Making AI work for you Mon, 04 Mar 2024 10:21:22 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Trendskout 32 32 Why in B2B e-commerce AI-driven personalisation is the way to go Mon, 04 Mar 2024 10:21:22 +0000 In the digital age, B2B customers expect the same level of personalisation they experience in B2C transactions. Our standards become what we experience on a daily basis. In it, we no longer distinguish between our personal and professional lives. A frictionless, personalised experience thus becomes the norm. And we, as consumers and professionals, are going to expect that from every party we work with. This shift calls for sophisticated solutions that go beyond traditional personalisation methods.

Personalisation in B2B e-commerce and the challenges

B2B e-commerce faces complex challenges, such as navigating long sales cycles and meeting the diverse needs of business customers. In this landscape, creating personalised customer experiences is becoming increasingly crucial.

How personalisation plays a role in B2B e-commerce:

In-depth customer insights: The importance of gaining in-depth customer insights cannot be underestimated. Advanced data analysis helps identify unique customer preferences and behaviour.

Personalised recommendations: By using AI for personalised recommendations, companies can offer relevant products and services that resonate with individual customers.

Customised content: Customising content based on customers' specific needs and interests can significantly increase engagement.

Automation of interactions: AI can also help automate customer interactions, enabling consistently personalised communication. Knowing better what drives someone makes for better anticipation.

Role of technologies such as Trendskout

While discussing the benefits of AI-driven personalisation, it is worth noting that platforms like Trendskout can support businesses in implementing these advanced strategies. By offering intuitive tools, Trendskout helps businesses navigate the complex landscape of B2B e-commerce personalisation.

Benefits of AI-driven personalisation

Deploying AI for personalisation in B2B e-commerce can lead to improved customer loyalty, higher conversion rates's and more efficient marketing and sales processes. These benefits underline the importance of embracing technology solutions in today's market.

AI-driven personalisation is no longer a pipe dream; it is a necessary evolution to stay competitive in B2B e-commerce. Platforms (such as Trendskout) provide valuable tools for companies ready to embark on this journey.

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B2B Companies jettison their generic approach because helping everyone is helping no one Mon, 04 Mar 2024 09:57:42 +0000 In the world of B2B e-commerce, providing exceptional support to buyers depends on effective personalisation strategies. It's not just about segmenting for targeted communications or offering personalised catalogues and pricing models that meet individual needs. It is also crucial to streamline the ordering process and ensure responsive customer service for a seamless experience. By using analytics, we gain valuable insights into buyer behaviour, which helps in continuous improvement. Integration with other systems creates a cohesive and personalised user journey. These combined efforts not only increase customer satisfaction but also promote long-term loyalty in the competitive B2B e-commerce landscape.

The essence of effective B2B personalisation

Effective B2B personalisation is about tailoring the customer experience in a way that meets the unique needs and preferences of individual customers. This can be achieved through strategies such as customer segmentation, in which customers are grouped based on industry, size or buying behaviour. Personalised product catalogues, pricing models and promotions further increase the relevance of offers to specific businesses. Streamlining the ordering process, providing dedicated account management and responsive customer service contribute to a personalised and efficient buying journey.

The power of personalised customer journeys

Start your personalisation efforts by gaining deep insights into your customer data. Use different criteria to divide this data into smart segments or persona's. Once customers log in, the corresponding segment or persona is seamlessly applied to launch a uniquely tailored experience for each individual. This approach not only increases engagement but also matches their specific preferences, creating a more meaningful interaction.

The expectations do not lie. From a Sana Commerce research revealed that as many as 36% of professional shoppers expect a more personalised experience. At the same time, 94% of B2B buyers are concerned about the online experiences they encounter. So frictionless is anything but for many.

  • 32% of buyers have a hard time finding the right product quickly
  • 29% of buyers do not find correct product information (or at least not the info they consider important)
  • 29% of buyers do not find accurate information on stock levels and real-time pricing of products

How you too can quickly excel in that personalisation

Customer segmentation: This involves dividing customers into clear groups based on criteria such as industry, size or buying behaviour. This allows targeted communication, enabling personalised approaches for each segment.

Personalised product recommendations: By analysing customer data and behaviour, companies can offering tailor-made suggestions, making it easier for buyers to discover relevant products.

Customer-specific prices: Customised pricing models ensure that every business customer benefits from personalised and competitive pricing to suit their unique needs.

In B2B e-commerce, where every customer interaction counts, Trendskout offers a range of tools that help companies implement these personalisation strategies seamlessly. By harnessing the power of AI, Trendskout enables businesses to gain a deeper understanding of their customers and deliver personalised experiences that resonate.

Whether segmenting customers, offering personalised recommendations or realising customer-specific pricing models, Trendskout acts as a valuable partner in personalising B2B e-commerce to provide exceptional support to buyers.

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The power of accurate sales forecasts should not be underestimated Wed, 31 Jan 2024 09:49:19 +0000 In the sales world, precision in forecasting is not just a goal, but a necessity. The ability to accurately forecast future sales and revenues affects every aspect of a business, from supply chain management to budgeting and strategic planning. A Harvard Business Review study stressed that companies with accurate sales forecasts 10% more likely to grow their revenues year-on-year and 7% more likely to meet their quota. As the Swiss build watches, so should sales forecasting be approached.

Data-driven prediction: The New Standard

In the digital age, relying on gut feeling alone is no longer enough. Advanced tools such as predictive analytics can increase accuracy by analysing previous sales data and market trends. So it is high time to embrace this technology. Just as a CRM or an ERP has become self-evident over the years, so data-driven forecasting will become equally evident in the coming years.

Big data enables sales teams to better understand market dynamics and predict customer behaviour more accurately. And better predicting customer behaviour makes for better actions. Doing the right thing, at the right time, in the right way. "Mr Desmet, we are just calling to let you know that we are offering a fantastic discount on product X." And nothing in that sentence is a guess. We know that Mr Desmet is now in the market and that he is price sensitive and that he is interested in product X.

AI takes accuracy to astronomical heights

AI-powered tools allow you to plough through huge amounts of data and identify sales patterns, offering predictions with a higher level of accuracy. AI algorithms are constantly learning from new data, meaning that the more they are used, the more accurate they become.

Where do they get the basics from?

From your CRM and ERP system. A robust CRM system can provide valuable insights into customer behaviour, which is crucial for accurate forecasting. Here again, the sales team has a crucial role to play. Better logging and tracking is better output is better forecasting.

From nice to have to must have

By using the right mix of technology and data analytics techniques, sales professionals can significantly improve the accuracy of their forecasts. Tools such as AI, big data analytics and CRM systems are not just trends; they are essential in the modern sales toolkit.

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Tools that help sales teams predict sales better Wed, 31 Jan 2024 09:42:51 +0000 The best-performing sales teams rely on data 1.5 more. In the fast-changing market, it should come as no surprise that these sales are taking advantage of it. By relying on data-driven insights, they can take faster and targeted action. However, many teams struggle with fluctuating market conditions and diverse customer bases. Accurate forecasting is crucial for resource allocation, budget planning and setting achievable targets. And those top teams realise this faster than others.

The evolution of forecasting tools

  • From basics to AI: Initially, sales teams relied on spreadsheets and simple databases. Now, with AI and machine learning, the accuracy of sales forecasts significantly improved. Gartner reports that AI can improve prediction accuracy by up to 15%.
  • Modern Solutions: Advanced tools now offer comprehensive data analytics, with AI-powered platforms such as Trendskout providing intuitive insights without overwhelming users.

Using data analytics for the most practical predictions

Data analysis tools: Tools that provide insight into sales trends and customer behaviour are indispensable. Forbes reports that companies that adopt data-driven marketing are more likely to gain a competitive edge and increase their profitability.

Predictive Analysis: Software for analysing past sales data and predicting future trends is crucial. Predictive analytics can lead to 21% improvement in sales performance, according to Aberdeen Group.

AI and Machine Learning: A Game-Changer in Prediction

AI-driven predictions require tools that can process extensive datasets and reveal patterns overlooked by humans. While thanks to Adaptive Machine Learning learn and improve the algorithms over time and ensure that predictions become more accurate with each iteration. As applied to CRM and ERP systems, for example. Thus, AI and ML exploit existing data much more performantly. And there are two obvious applications for this:

Scenario Planning: This helps companies prepare for different market conditions, a method that has been shown to improve forecast accuracy by up to 20%.

Sales signal processing: Early indicators of this technique can signal shifts in market trends or customer behaviour which can lead to a much higher customer retention.

Conclusion: The gap is bridgeable but taking action is appropriate

While integrating these tools can transform sales forecasting from guesswork to an accurate, data-driven process, choosing the right platform is crucial. Trendskout offers an AI-powered solution that simplifies complex data analysis and provides actionable insights without a heavy sales pitch. Embrace technology to empower your sales team to forecast with confidence and accuracy.

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10 questions Trendskout answers in a minute Wed, 24 Jan 2024 07:31:17 +0000 Bold statement: without Trendskout, no sales team can answer all these questions so quickly. It requires a lot of digging. A ploughing through systems and Excels. Until someone gets a pointy head and throws in the towel. Want to bet? To keep your sales and data colleagues motivated, you don't ask the questions. Wrong, of course, because the questions are pertinent.

Trendskout transforms data into valuable insights, presented in an intuitive dashboard. Let's take a look at the ten crucial sales questions Trendskout quickly solves, improving decision-making and improving sales performance.

Revolutionising decision-making with AI

Trendskout uses advanced AI algorithms to analyse complex sales data and provide quick and insightful answers to crucial sales questions. This allows sales teams to act quickly, staying ahead of market trends and seizing opportunities in real time.

Streamline sales with intuitive dashboards

Gone are the days of navigating through complex data sets. Trendskout's easy-to-use dashboard presents insights in an easily digestible format, allowing sales teams to focus on what they do best: selling.

10 sales questions answered by Trendskout

1. Who is behind?

Trendskout identifies customers who are behind in their usual buying patterns, enabling proactive engagement to re-align them with their usual buying schedule.

2. High-turnover customers

Find out which customers are likely to generate significant revenue so you can prioritise efforts and resources efficiently.

3. Upcoming orders

Predict which customers are ready to place orders within a month, ensuring timely follow-ups and order fulfillment.

4. Upsell and cross-sell opportunities

Discover hidden opportunities for up- and cross-selling, increasing customer value and boosting sales.

5. Future customer purchases

Anticipate the products a customer is likely to order next, enabling customised inventory and marketing strategies.

6. Products that cause sales declines

Identify products that contribute to revenue decline for specific customers, enabling strategic product positioning or re-evaluation.

7. Impactful products in revenue forecasts

Determine which products have a significant impact on overall sales forecasts, which helps with targeted sales and production planning.

8. Customers at risk of churn

Locate customers with a high probability of customer turnover, enabling targeted retention strategies.

9. Optimal sales emails

Generate customised email content to increase customer engagement and effectively drive sales.

10. Smartest action for customer benefit

Use in-depth insights to devise the smartest action to benefit both the customer and your company, ensuring mutual benefit and long-term relationships.

Integrating trendkout into sales strategies

Integrating Trendskout into your sales strategy is easy. The platform integrates seamlessly with existing CRM systems, ensuring a smooth transition and immediate impact.

Training for transformation

Give your sales team the knowledge to exploit Trendskout's full potential. With a little training, you can maximise the benefits of this powerful tool.

Conclusion: a new era of sales intelligence

Trendskout is more than just a sales tool; it is a paradigm shift in the way sales information is collected and used. By providing fast, accurate answers to complex sales questions, Trendskout enables sales teams to operate with unprecedented efficiency and effectiveness.

Up your sales game with Trendskout

Ready to transform your sales strategy with cutting-edge AI technology? Discover the power of Trendskout and how it can redefine your sales success. Contact us for a demo and step into a world of enhanced sales intelligence with Trendskout.

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Increasing profits: how AI maximises ROI in sales Thu, 18 Jan 2024 15:53:36 +0000 In an era where every percentage point of profit counts, sales teams are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to stay ahead of the competition and drive revenue growth. AI's ability to analyse huge data sets, predict customer behaviour and optimise sales strategies is transforming the sales landscape. In this article, we explore how AI is revolutionising return on investment (ROI) for sales departments and what this means for companies that want to stay ahead.

Understanding the role of AI in sales

AI is not just a buzzword; it is a robust tool that is changing the way sales teams approach their goals. From predictive analyses to automated customer interactions: AI is at the forefront of strategic decision-making. By deploying AI, sales teams can discover hidden opportunities, personalise customer interactions and streamline their operations.

Data-driven decisions

The power of AI lies in its ability to process and analyse large amounts of data quickly and accurately. Sales teams equipped with AI can identify trends, predict demand and make informed decisions that match customer needs and market dynamics. This data-driven approach minimises guesswork and maximises the efficiency and effectiveness of sales strategies.

Real-World applications of AI in sales

Predictive sales forecasts

AI's predictive models can analyse historical data and market conditions to predict future sales with remarkable accuracy. This allows companies to better manage inventory, allocate resources and set realistic targets, preparing them for what lies ahead.

Improving customer interactions

AI-powered tools such as chatbots and personalised recommendation engines offer customers tailored experiences that drive engagement and conversions. By understanding customer preferences and behaviour, AI helps sales teams deliver the right message at the right time.

Automating routine tasks

AI excels in the automating repetitive tasks, allowing salespeople to focus on valuable activities. Be it qualifying leads, updating records or scheduling appointments: AI streamlines operations and reduces the likelihood of human error.

Overcoming challenges and embracing AI

Implementing AI can be tricky, but the key is to start small and scale up. Companies should identify specific pain points or opportunities where AI can have the biggest impact and gradually integrate AI solutions into their sales processes.

Ensuring a smooth transition

Training and change management are crucial for successful AI integration. Sales teams need to understand how to deploy AI tools effectively and how these tools fit into their existing workflows. Continuous learning and adaptation are part of the journey to maximising ROI with AI.

The future is AI-driven

As AI technology continues to evolve, its potential to improve sales processes and increase ROI grows. Companies that embrace AI can gain a competitive advantage, greater efficiency and, more importantly, improved profitability. The journey to an AI-driven sales strategy is an investment in the future - one that promises substantial returns for those willing to embark on it.

Unlock your sales potential with Trendskout AI

Ready to transform your sales process and maximise your ROI? Find out how Trendskout's AI solutions can empower your sales team, drive growth and outperform your competition. Subscribe today contact us for a demo and start your journey to AI-driven sales success!

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Streamlining sales success: machine learning for better sales qualification Tue, 16 Jan 2024 18:05:39 +0000 In the high stakes world of sales, lead qualification determines the efficiency and success of your sales team. Machine Learning (ML), a subset of artificial intelligence, has become a major player in revolutionising sales qualification processes. By enabling more accurate lead scoring, personalised customer engagement and predictive analytics, ML helps sales teams focus their efforts where it matters most. Find out how machine learning is redefining the paths to better sales qualification and ultimately to enhanced business growth.

The power of predictive qualification

Machine learning algorithms excel at analysing historical data and identifying patterns that human eyes may overlook. In sales qualification, ML can predict which leads are most likely to convert, allowing sales teams to prioritise their efforts and communicate with the right prospects at the right time.

Read more: AI Tools for sales and their applications

Improved lead scores

Traditional lead scoring models can be static and one-dimensional. ML brings dynamic lead scoring into play, constantly learning and adjusting scoring criteria based on a wide range of behavioural and demographic factors. This results in a more nuanced and accurate understanding of lead quality.

Practical applications of ML in sales qualification

Machine learning can automate the initial stages of lead capture, ensuring that only high-quality leads enter the sales funnel. By filtering out unqualified leads at an early stage, ML reduces the time and resources spent on unproductive prospects.

Personalised customer journeys

ML-driven tools can personalised customer journey mapping by analysing past interactions and predicting future needs. This tailored approach ensures that sales professionals deal with leads in the most effective way, significantly increasing the chances of conversion.

Continuous learning for continuous improvement

Unlike static systems, ML models improve over time. They learn from every interaction and constantly refine qualification criteria, leading to ever better accuracy and efficiency in the sales process.

Attention to data quality and quantity

The success of ML in sales qualification depends heavily on the quality and quantity of available data. Organisations need to ensure that they collect relevant high-quality data and maintain it appropriately to fully exploit ML capabilities. At Trendskout, we help you on your way to maximise input quality.

Bridging the skills gap

Typically, implementing ML requires a certain level of technical expertise. It is important for companies to develop in-house skills or partner with vendors who can bridge this gap, so that the sales team can seamlessly use ML tools without getting bogged down by technical complexities. This is different with Trendskout because of how its ready-to-use platform works. ML and AI thus becomes child's play for sales, allowing them to stay focused on their core business (and their bonus).

The future of sales is intelligent

Machine learning is not just a futuristic concept, but a contemporary tool that is reshaping the sales landscape. By embracing ML for sales qualification, companies can ensure more targeted, efficient and successful sales efforts. As machine learning technology continues to evolve, its role in sales and customer engagement will only become more important, which will have profound implications for business growth and customer satisfaction.

Improve your sales strategy with Trendskout

Transform your sales qualification process with the power of machine learning. Explore Trendskout's advanced solutions and discover how our ML technology can help you identify and engage the right prospects so that every sales interaction counts. Contact us for a demo and start your journey to a smarter, more efficient sales process today!

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Automate sales follow-ups courtesy of AI Thu, 21 Dec 2023 10:06:30 +0000 In the fast-changing world of sales, follow-up is crucial. Yet it remains one of the most time-consuming tasks for sales teams. Meet Trendskout's AI: a revolutionary tool designed to automate sales follow-ups so that no opportunity falls between two seats.

The challenge of succession in sales

Effective follow-up is crucial for closing deals, but it is a process fraught with challenges. Sales representatives often juggle multiple leads, making it difficult to provide timely, personalised follow-ups. Moreover, human error and the sheer volume of tasks can lead to missed opportunities and reduced sales efficiency.

Trendskout's AI solution

Trendskout's AI transforms this scenario. By automating follow-up processes, it ensures that each lead gets the attention it deserves. The AI system analyses customer interactions, purchase history and engagement levels to determine the optimal timing and method for follow-ups. Whether it is a phone call, email or a personal message, Trendskout's AI ensures that the efforts of your sales team are targeted and efficient.

Benefits of automated follow-ups

  • Increased efficiency: Automation means your sales team can concentrate on closing deals instead of spending hours on follow-up tasks.
  • Consistency: With AI, every lead is consistently nurtured, ensuring a unified sales experience.
  • Personalisation at scale: AI enables personalised follow-ups based on customer data, something virtually impossible to do manually on a large scale.
  • Data-driven decisions: Trendskout's AI provides insights based on customer interactions, allowing sales strategies to be refined over time.

The human touch in a digital age

While AI significantly improves efficiency, the human element remains crucial. Trendskout's AI is designed to enhance, not replace, the human element in sales. It gives sales representatives the freedom to engage more meaningfully with customers and build relationships that are the cornerstone of successful sales.

Integration with existing systems

One of the strengths of Trendskout's AI is its ability to integrate seamlessly with existing CRM systems. This integration ensures that sales teams can implement AI-driven follow-ups without disrupting their current workflows.

The competitive advantage

In today's competitive market, the ability to follow up leads quickly and effectively can mean the difference between closing a sale and losing it to a competitor. Trendskout's AI provides that edge and ensures that your sales team is always one step ahead.

Are you ready to transform your sales tracking process and increase conversions? Find out how Trendskout's AI can save you time and propel your sales to new heights. Book a no-obligation demo for more information and take the first step towards a more efficient, AI-driven sales future!

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AI versus human SDRs: who is the best in terms of lead scoring? Thu, 21 Dec 2023 10:03:52 +0000 The sales world is evolving rapidly with the integration of AI, especially in crucial areas such as lead scoring. This change brings us to an essential question: when it comes to lead scoring, how does AI compare to traditional human Sales Development Representatives (SDR's)?

A new definition of efficiency in lead scoring

Unlike human SDR's, who must manually browse through data and often rely on instinct, AI systems like Trendskout's use data-driven algorithms to score leads. This method is not only more efficient but also consistently objective, eliminating the biases that can sometimes cloud human judgement.

Also read how to without knowledge of AI or internal data analyst can quickly and efficiently deploy artificial intelligence in your business.

The depth of AI analysis

Trendskout's AI dives deeper into data than any human could, analysing patterns and trends that might be invisible to even the most experienced SDR's. This level of analysis ensures that prioritised leads are those most likely to convert, streamlining the sales process.

Improving SDR capabilities with AI

Implementing AI in lead scoring does not make human SDR's obsolete. Instead, it enhances their capabilities. By taking over the time-consuming task of lead scoring, AI allows SDRs to focus on maintaining relationships and closing deals - areas where human interaction is crucial.

Trendkout: a synergistic approach

Trendskout's AI solutions offer a perfect blend of technological efficiency and human expertise. This synergy ensures that sales teams not only meet but exceed their quotas with a more streamlined, data-driven approach.

Ready to see how AI can transform your lead scoring process and complement your SDR's efforts? Discover Trendskout's innovative solutions and take the first step towards a smarter, more efficient sales strategy. Book a demo for more information and start outperforming traditional methods today!

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