Propensity Model with Machine Learning

Propensity Models are often used to find out what the underlying drivers are in sales, support or production processes.

The model can be applied to your data, and is supplemented with Trendskout data sources.

100% GDPR Proof

No Code

Fast Output Guaranteed

Without heavy integrations

Can be linked to all inputs (CRM, database, API, Excel, etc.)

Applied in many sectors

Examples of propensity models

Propensity models in different domains

Propensity models for Finance

Find out what drives your profitability and cash flow, and intervene appropriately in your operations.

Propensity Models for Marketing & Sales

Learn which factors influence a conversion or a re-order.

Propensity Models for Manufacturing

Uncover hidden connections in your processes.

Coeman Packaging

In a turbulent corona year, Trendskout has helped to ensure that we can present the same strong figures today as last year.

Wondering what a Propensity Model can mean for your company?