AI and Rapid Prototyping for Innovation in R&D

with the Trendskout AI Platform

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have become synonymous with innovation – especially in R&D departments. AI and ML can be applied in different stages of your R&D process.

Shorter development times and more cost-efficient product development.

Research and development programmes for new products or applications can take years and require high capital investments. Returns are far from guaranteed, and this uncertainty of ROI can add constraints to your innovation.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are characterised by machines possessing learning properties, analogous to the learning capabilities of humans. However, the scale at which (test) processes can be run with AI and ML is much larger and the entire process is a lot faster. By deploying new technologies, development time and related costs can be significantly reduced. This encourages innovation.

How do organizations benefit from AI and Machine Learning?

Gain access to our Resource Center with interesting business cases and how-to's.

Operational data analysis for design optimisation

AI doesn’t stop with R&D. Subsequent development stages also benefit from artificial intelligence for further product optimisation. New product releases can be set up based on collected data, allowing for thorough analysis. Your AI might discover underused product features, allowing for a simplified product design, or aggregate data might point out completely new product applications. AI will uncover previously hidden insight.

Ready to discover all features during a live demo?

Get in touch and we will be happy to show you the direct business value of artificial intelligence for your organisation.